The primary purpose of the Title I program is to assist students in increasing their academic achievement. Helping all struggling students to become proficient is the goal of a school-wide Title I Program. If any child experiences reading or math difficulties based on assessment data, an intervention team will meet to plan appropriate intervention services to support the child. This support may be provided by the classroom teacher, a reading teacher, a math specialist or an instructional paraprofessional. All services will be coordinated and aligned with classroom instruction and the intervention team will meet regularly to determine student progress and to adjust classroom instruction as needed. Student progress will also be communicated to parents on an ongoing basis. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Title I program or the services your child is receiving, please share these concerns with the classroom teacher first, and then the building principal. If the concerns are not addressed at the building level, please contact the District Office. You can contact the Director of Elementary Instruction at (302) 857-4228. If concerns are not addressed at the district level, you may file a complaint with the Delaware Department of Education.
What is Title I?
Title I is the largest federal education program for schools. States receive funds that are allocated to districts and schools based on poverty. Funds are used to provide educational services to students who are at risk of failing to meet state standards.
What is the purpose of Title I?
Part A: Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged
The program is designed to accomplish four primary goals:
- Provide supplementary education to students eligible for services
- Provide additional funding to schools and districts serving high concentrations of children from low-income families
- Focus educators on the needs of special student populations
- Improve the academic achievement of students, reduce the performance gaps between the advantaged and disadvantaged students by assisting students in meeting high academic standards
What does the structure of Title I look like in Capital School District?
The seven elementary schools are included in the grant and operate using a Title I school-wide program. In a school-wide program, all federal, state, and local funds are consolidated to upgrade the entire educational program of the school. Each school is still required to establish a process for determining which students are at risk of not meeting the standards and must provide additional support and/or services for these students. Schools focus on additional time and instructional interventions to close achievement gaps.
What is funded with the Title I grant?
The Title I grant (Part A) is distributed to all K-4 elementary schools in the Capital School District. A requirement for Title I is that 1% of the allocated funds be spent on Parent Involvement. The grant is used to support Parent Involvement at both the school and district levels. Family Reading and Math Nights, Common Core Information Nights, the Capital Adult ESL-Family Literacy Program, and the Little Senators Bedtime Storytime program are all supported with Title I funds.
In terms of direct instructional intervention support for students, the grant pays for 7 Literacy Coaches, 8 Reading Teachers, and 3 Math Specialists. In addition, the Title I grant funds 20 Part-Time Instructional Paraprofessionals. Providing additional intervention support is critical for student success. Two district Curriculum Specialists are also funded using Title I funds. The Curriculum Specialists provide direct support to schools and deliver professional development and curriculum assistance as needed.
A wide range of instructional materials is purchased with the Title I grant. 95% Group, System 44, Early Success, Soar to Success, Ready Readers, Quick Reads, and Wonder Works are some of the intervention materials utilized by Reading Support Teachers, Instructional Paraprofessionals, and classroom teachers. All intervention support is delivered in addition to regular classroom instruction.
Comprehensive data collection systems (M-Class and Renaissance Learning) are purchased with Title I funds. These systems allow teachers to collect student assessment data using technology. The data system can generate individual student reports as well as classroom, grade level, school and district level reports. Student progress towards benchmarks is measured 3 times and year and for students not meeting the benchmark progress is monitored either bi-monthly or weekly in order to better match student instructional
The Title I Grant supports Professional Development. Providing opportunities for professional growth for teachers is an integral component of the Title I grant. Teacher training helps to build the capacity to ensure gains in student achievement and success towards meeting established goals.
Do children who are homeless receive Title I services?
All districts receiving Title I allocations are required to reserve a portion of their funds for homeless children. Examples of some of the services provided are: backpacks with school supplies, clothing, shoes and coats, and emergency transportation if needed. A portion of the Homeless Liaison’s salary is also funded through the Title I grant.