William Henry Campus

William Henry Campus

65 Carver Road
Dover, DE 19904

Phone - 302-672-1620
Fax - 302-672-1633

School Websitehttps://wmhenry.capital.k12.de.us

DOE Profilehttps://reportcard.doe.k12.de.us/detail.html#aboutpage?scope=school&district=13&school=646

Our school is named after William W. M. Henry, a 1902 graduate of Delaware State College and the first black physician to practice in lower Delaware. Our building holds great historical significance for our community. William Henry Middle School was originally the William Henry Comprehensive High School, the only high school for African Americans in Dover.

In September 1967 the William Henry Middle School greeted our first 5th and 6th grade students as one of two middle schools in the Capital School District. While our facility has undergone significant renovations over the years we continue to build on the rich history and commitment to excellence of those who have gone before us.

Today our hallways are filled with the excitement for learning that comes with student scholars, a dedicated staff and supportive community. As a Leader in Me School, we provide opportunities for students to grow as leaders in the classroom as well as in the school and community. We begin each day with our pledge to follow the William Henry Way while committing to “Striving to do our best, we rise above the rest!” in social, emotional and academic learning. Our pledge goes on to celebrate that “We are Respectful, Here Every Day, Making responsible Choices and Showing the Senator Way.”

Our Capital School District Elementary Program of Studies continues in grade 5. The transition from elementary schools into the middle grades is an exciting time for students and families. Students move from more concrete thinking to abstract thinking as they experience more challenging academic course work. During their time at William Henry Middle School (WHMS) they develop lasting attitudes about learning and work, and begin taking responsibility for their educational path to the future. Social priorities emerge and often relationships with friends take on an increasingly important role. Families of middle grades students are essential partners in their child’s education. It is often said that middle grades students are just a few short years from playing with teddy bears and just as close to deciding their career or college goals.  At WHMS we know parents are a child’s first teacher and your active engagement is vital as they navigate their way toward high school.

In grade 5 at William Henry it is our goal that students are provided a challenging and purposeful core academic program that engages them in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Spanish Language Immersion that prepares them for a successful experience throughout the middle grades into high school and beyond. Of equal value are the exploratory and elective course offerings in Physical Education, Music and the Arts, Career and Technology, Family and Consumer Science and Library Media each designed to provide a place for students to apply their academic learning and develop critical life skills for success.

We invite you to learn more about our school by exploring our website. Whether you are a current member of the William Henry “family” or a prospective resident, William Henry welcomes you!

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