Classroom Settings K-12

Capital School District Special Education Programs and County Wide Schools

The Capital School District programs to meet the needs of all students with disabilities in accordance with Federal Law and State of Delaware regulations. The District offers a continuum of services and settings to align with the District’s Mission of; “Educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow.” Students are educated in the least restrictive environment with access to general curriculum with accommodations and modifications provided as needed.

Provided below is a list of specialized programs and schools to help address the unique needs of our students. 


Program Grades & Location Details
 ILC-A Intensive Learning Center for Academics
K-4 East Dover Elementary
5th-6th Wm. Henry Middle School
7th-8th Central Middle School
9th-12th Dover High School
 These students with disabilities are significantly below grade level in academics and receive their education for at least 60% of the day in a special education setting. These students are typically certificate track.
 Intensive Learning Center
B-Behavior/ C- Emotional Support
K-4 East Dover Elementary
5th-6th Wm. Henry Middle School
7th-8th Central Middle School
9-12 Dover High (ILC -C is only 9-12)
 These students with disabilities require intensive social/emotional supports. Behaviors impact educational progress and access to general curriculum. They typically receive at least 60% of their education in a special education setting. They are mostly diploma track.
 KCSILC  Kent County Secondary ILC
(Intensive Learning Center)
6th- 12th
 This countywide school provides educational services to students whose behavioral needs require more intensive supports then what can be provided by the LEA. They are mostly diploma track students. This is considered a separate school setting with at least 50% of the student’s day being at that location. Click here
 KCCS  Kent County Community School
Ages 2-21: Main Site
K-4th Booker T. Washington
5th-6th Wm. Henry Middle
7th-8th Central Middle
9th-12th Dover High
 KCCS is a county wide school providing services to students with moderate to severe disabilities from ages 2-21. KCCS offers a variety of placement options ranging from inclusion to a separate setting. Click Here
 STAR  Students Transitioning to Adult Readiness
9th-12th Dover High
 This program consists of KCCS and DHS ILC-A students taking classes with a focus on Career Readiness and Independent living. Third year and final year students spend time leaning vocational skills in district settings as well as experiences in the community.
Click Here
 STRIVE  Student Transition Reaching Independence Through Vocational Exploration
Wesley Church Education Building
 This program is for young adults formerly in the STAR program. The focus continues on vocational and independent living skills in a community setting.
Click Here
 PROJECT SEARCH  Bayhealth Professional Office Building
530 South State Street
Dover, DE 19901
 This is an international program model that involves the collaboration of the Capital School District, Bayhealth, and the Division of Vocational Rehabailitation (DVR) designed for young adults 18-21. Interns rotate through 3 ten weeks job rotations learning job skills, social skills, and self advocacy.
     For more information on how to apply to be a PROJECT SEARCH INTERN- Click Here

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