Capital School District Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Goals:
- Increase school attendance and increase academic achievement of participating students in one or more academic areas
- Increase school connectedness of participants, including families, caregivers, and school teachers and staff
- Increase the capacity of participants to become productive adults
The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant is a competitive grant that provides federal funding to establish community learning centers that provide academic, artistic and cultural enrichment opportunities for students and their families. These opportunities must occur during non-school hours or periods when school is not in session to help students meet state and local standards in core academic subjects. Centers must also offer students a broad array of activities that can complement their regular academic programs, to offer literacy and other educational services to their families.
The Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC grant is authorized under, Title IV, Part B of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (P.L. 107-110), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015. The Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC grant is administered by the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) and provides funding for the establishment of community learning centers to provide students with academic enrichment opportunities. Ancillary services for parents such as literacy instruction may also be given. Each Nina M. Lowey 21st CCLC Sub-Grantee may use the funds to carry out a broad array of before- and after-school activities (including those held during summer recess periods) to advance student achievement.
These activities include:
- Remedial education activities and academic enrichment learning programs, including those which provide additional assistance to students to allow the students to improve their academic achievement;
- Mathematics and science education activities;
- Arts and music education activities;
- Entrepreneurial education programs;
- Homework assistance;
- Enrichment (Science Technology Engineering, Art, Math - STEAM);
- Community Service Projects;
- Tutoring services, including those provided by senior citizen volunteers, and mentoring programs;
- Programs that provide after-school activities for limited English proficient (LEP) students and that emphasize language skills and academic achievement;
- Recreational activities;
- Telecommunications and technology education programs;
- Expanded library service hours;
- Field trip experiences;
- Programs that promote parental involvement and family literacy;
- Programs that provide assistance to students who have been truant, suspended, or expelled to allow them to improve their academic achievement;
- Drug and violence prevention programs;
- Counseling programs; and
- Character education programs.
Quality afterschool programs provide safe, engaging environments that motivate and inspire learning outside the regular school day. While there is no one single formula for success in afterschool programs, both practitioners and researchers have found that effective programs combine academic, enrichment, cultural, and recreational activities to guide learning and engage children and youth in wholesome activities. They also find that the best programs develop activities to meet the particular needs of the communities they serve.
Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Capital School District's Dover High School, Dover Middle School Campus, East Dover Elementary School, and South Dover Elementary School are applying for the Delaware 21st Century Community Learning Centers 2024-2025 Cohort 22 Subgrant RFP DOE 2024-07.
Cohort 22 - Delaware 21st Century Community Learning Centers
East Dover Elementary School - After-school Program
Initial Grant Year: 2024
Site Coordinator Contact Information:
Latoya Mann [email protected] 302-672-1655
Nicole Ickes [email protected]
Cohort 18-02 - Delaware 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Booker T. Washington Elementary School/William Henry Campus - After-school program
Initial Year: 2021
Site Coordinator Contact Information:
Jessica Kozak [email protected] 302-672-1900
BTW Principal:
LaWanda Burgoyne [email protected]
WHC Principals:
Joseph Fuller J[email protected]
Donna L. Mitchell D[email protected]
Cohort 21-02 - Delaware 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Hartly Elementary School
Initial Year: 2023
Site Coordinator Contact Information:
Antwanique Woolford [email protected] 302-492-1870
Jennifer M. Christman [email protected]
Cohort 21-03 - Delaware 21st Century Community Learning Centers
North Dover Elementary School
Initial Year: 2023
Site Coordinator Contact Information:
Michel'le Brown [email protected] 302-672-1980
Shani Benson [email protected]
South Dover Elementary School
Cohort 22 - 21st Century CCLC
Initial Year: 2024
Site Coordinator Contact Information:
M'kayla Johnson [email protected] 302-672-1690
Cohort 21-01 - Delaware 21st Century Community Learning Centers
School of Innovation
Initial Grant Year: 2023
This program provides engaging academic and enrichment programming with prevention and social/emotional wellness activities
Site Coordinator Contact Information:
Natalie Way [email protected] 302-674-6100
School of Innovation Principal:
Joseph Evans [email protected]
Cohort 22 - 21st Century
School of Excellence
Initial Grant Year: 2024
Site Coordinator Contact Information:
Natalie Way [email protected] 302-674-6100
School of Excellence Principal:
Sherri Sudler [email protected]
Cohort 22 - 21st Century
Dover High School
Initial Grant Year: 2024
The program is a multifaceted resource and intervention for students. The daily program structure begins with academic support followed by an enrichment and recreation.
Site Coordinator Contact Information:
Brittney Smith [email protected] 302-241-2427
Shawndell Solomon [email protected]
Capital School District Contact Persons:
Dr. Richard Carter, Supervisor of Instruction, Wellness, and Culture
[email protected] 302-857-4224
Eugene Montano, Director Of Secondary Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment
[email protected] 302-857-4234
Delaware Department of Education Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Web Page: