Reopening Plan

Capital School District Pandemic Response 
School Reopening Family Update August 2020

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Welcome Back to School! We are planning and preparing to create a 2020-21 school year that makes the very best of a challenging situation for our students. As you are aware, the Governor of Delaware has provided the direction that schools across the state may open using a hybrid approach. The Capital School District Board of Education, after careful review of the Capital School District Plan for Implementing Hybrid Teaching and Learning, has directed the first six weeks of the school year be conducted using the remote distance learning component of the hybrid plan.

What is the Plan for Returning to School?
The Capital School District Plan for Implementing Hybrid Teaching and Learning has two main parts: At-Home remote distance learning and At-School face-to-face learning which provides up to two days of in-classroom instruction with up to 15 students and three days At-Home remote distance learning. On October 20, 2020, the Capital School Board will review the current health and safety status of the community and determine the date for moving from a complete At-Home remote distance learning approach to phasing in At-School face-to-face learning. Families PreK-12 may decide to keep their child on At-Home learning at their discretion any time
during the hybrid plan.

HouseWhat will School Look Like When it Starts?
At-Home remote distance learning will be provided using computer technology and will require a device and internet access in the home. Survey data from families regarding individual status of internet connection and preference for At-Home and/or At-School is being collected and phone calls to families we have not heard from are being
made to determine our home-school connection. We want to reach
every child during the At-Home part of our hybrid approach. If you
have not completed the survey or had a phone call to ask about your family's status to support your child in At-Home learning with a device and internet connections, please contact your child’s school to update our contact information.

How Does the Reopening Plan Work?
Beginning on September 8th At-Home remote distance learning will be delivered through scheduled classes provided by teachers who planned their lessons for the current situation. The expectation for students is twohousesthat they will attend their classes and complete assignments on the schedule provided by the teacher. Class attendance will be kept each day and the grades for assignments will count toward course and final grades. To support family schedules, whenever possible, our teachers will provide recorded lessons to support learning At-Home that will be available on the Schoology Class Site. Special Education, Gifted Education support and English Language Learning services will be provided virtually in a child’s scheduled class during the At-Home remote distance learning.

What will My Child’s Schedule Look Like?

Early Childhood/Pre-K Scheduling Information

Your child’s teacher will be contacting you to discuss how to best support your family as we start our school year. The schedule will look a little different for each classroom and family.

What you can expect:

  • There will be times where teachers will meet virtually with the students in small groups to do teacher/para directed activities. This will occur daily and will include things like circle time, modeling of skills, group games, communicating with classmates, or songs & movement activities.
  • There will be tasks & links where you and your student can view them and work on them at a time that works best for you and your family. These will be pre-recorded and will be available throughout the week and weekend. You will have the opportunity to engage in these multiple times. For example, this may be a read aloud, a science demonstration that can be copied at home, music or movement activities, or a learning link for games or activities.
  • There will also be times where teachers & paras work with individual families & students. This will help to support you as you support your child at home, and will allow us frequent opportunities to partner with you. This will occur once or twice a week as needed.
  • Specialists for speech, OT, and PT will also schedule times to work with your children if they need those services. These services will occur as outlined in your child’s IEP.
  • We will do our best to work WITH families to make these learning opportunities successful for the students.

Elementary Kindergarten - 4th Grade Schedule:

Below you will find daily schedules for Kindergarten through Grade 4 students. Work is scheduled daily for all classes however all instructional sessions will be available at the time specified and will be recorded for families to schedule in the way that best meets their needs. Time is identified for independent practice with support to allow students and families to get the direct support they need to be successful. Students will have a morning and an afternoon Zoom session each day for their academic subjects and one for their specials classes on a rotating schedule. The lesson component of Zoom sessions will be recorded.

 Grade K-1
Class Meeting

 Content Lesson
Small Groups

Art, Music, Library, PE


Content Lesson
Small Groups

Independent Practice
with Support


Grade 2-3
 Grade 4

Class Meeting

Class Meeting
Independent Practice
with Support

Art, Music, Library, PE
Content Lesson
Small Group

 Content Lesson
Small Group


Independent Practice
with Support

 Content Lesson
Small Groups


Art, Music, Library, PE

Content Lesson
Small Groups



William Henry Middle School Schedule:

Below you will find sample schedules for both a 5th and 6th grade student at William Henry. Work is scheduled daily for all subject areas. Students will have two formal Zoom sessions for each subject twice per week. Wednesday will not have a formal schedule of classes. Learning will be organized for students by the teacher during the Zoom sessions on Monday and Tuesday. They will have the ability to interact with all of their teachers each and every day through office hours set up on days they don’t have formal zooms. Students will have opportunities for Related Arts and/or Clubs in addition to breaks for lunch and movement time. The lesson component of Zoom sessions will be recorded for families to schedule in the way that best meets their needs.

 William Henry Middle School STUDENT SAMPLE SCHEDULE
   Monday/Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday/Friday
8:00 AM
Independent Math
Work Time 
 Independent Math
Work Time 
Independent ELA
Work Time 
Independent ELA
Work Time 
 Independent ELA
Work Time

8:30 AM
Science Work Time
Science Work Time
   Independent Social
Studies Work Time
 Independent Social
Studies Work Time
9:15 AM
 ELA Zoom & Small
 ELA Zoom & Small
Social Studies WorkTime
 Math Zoom and
Small Groups
 Math Zoom and
Small Groups

10:30 AM
 Related Arts/Clubs  Teacher Check In
   Related Arts/Clubs  ELA/SS
11:30 AM
12:30 PM
 Social Studies
Zoom & Small
 Social Studies
Zoom & Small
 Independent Math
Work Time
Zoom and
Small Groups
 Science Zoom and
Small Groups
1:45 PM
 Teacher Check In
 Related Arts/Clubs  Independent
Science Work Time
 Teacher Check in
 Related Arts/Clubs


Central Middle School Schedule:

Below you will find the daily schedules for all students at Central Middle School. This will be the schedule we follow during Virtual Learning. Please find your student’s specific class schedule and make sure they are logged into the instructional Zoom meeting each day in the same order as the classes on their schedule. The lesson component of Zoom sessions will be recorded for families to schedule in the way that best meets their needs. Synchronous is “live” instruction and Asynchronous is “on demand” instruction.

Sample Student Schedule:

Schedule for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday (Wednesday will not have a formal schedule of classes learning will be organized for students by the teacher during the Zoom sessions on Monday and Tuesday) :

 Class Period & Method of Instruction  Time
 1- MATH  7:35 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.
 2- Chorus  8:25a.m. - 9:05 a.m.
 3- ELA  9:15 a.m. - 9:55 a.m.
 Asynchronous Time  10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
 4- Science  12:35 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
 5- Social Studies  1:25 p.m. - 2:05 p.m.
 Asynchronous Time  2:15 p.m. - 2:55 p.m.

DHS Remote Schedule:

Synchronous Learning “live classes” will be taught Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at
scheduled times with the teacher.
Wednesday Asynchronous Learning “on-demand” for students will be provided. Students will not have a formal schedule of classes and learning will be organized for students by the teacher during prior Zoom sessions.
Instructional lessons will be recorded for families to schedule in the way that best meets their needs.

Period   Time & Style
 1  7:25am-7:55am (Synchronous)
7:55am-8:55am (Asynchronous)
 Senator Up!
*Buffer time 15 minutes could tag to 1st
period or 2nd period
 8:55am-9:05am (Synchronous)
 2  9:10am-9:40am (Synchronous)
9:40am-10:40 (Asynchronous)
 3  10:45am-11:15am (Synchronous)
11:15am-12:15pm (Asynchronous)
 Lunch  12:20pm-12:50pm
 4  12:55pm-1:25pm (Synchronous)
1:25pm-2:25 pm (Asynchronous)
 Extra Help / Office Hours  Possibilities: First 30+ of planning time
&/or T/R: 2:25pm-2:50pm

studentsWhat will the Opening of School Look Like?
We know this is a challenging time for families to plan child care and support for their child’s learning. Our commitment is to partner with our Senator Families to provide support and open lines of communication from the classroom, school and district. Based on the communities current health and safety status, students will be learning At-Home from September 8th through October 23th. When the Board of Education determines we are moving to the second phase of our Hybrid Teaching and Learning Approach, we will bring students into the school building using a gradual approach within two weeks to ensure a smooth, safe face-to-face reopening for our students following and teaching the guidelines established for health and safety. Specific dates for the next phase to bring students into the school building will be established on October 20th by the Board of Education.

What Will Capital’s Hybrid Model Look Like?
The first step for beginning At-School learning is orientation to school in small groups. We will begin by inviting our youngest learners grades PreK to 2nd grade and Kent County Community School (KCCS) students PreK-12 to come to school in small class groups for a schoolhouse imagetwo-day orientation. Details on transportation will be available as we prepare for At-School Instruction. During the second week of building the At-School part of hybrid, the PreK to 2nd graders will return to At-Home for the week while we invite children in grades 3 and 4 to come in for their two-day orientation. Related Services that are determined in a child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) that are appropriately provided inside the classroom individually and/or in small groups. On Wednesday each week Related Services that are determined in a child’s IEP that are best provided outside the classroom will be offered individually and/or in small groups. The orientation over two weeks sets up the elementary school children for their full hybrid approach two-days At-School and three days At-Home learning Pre-K to 4th grade each week during the hybrid approach to teaching and learning.

Where will William Henry Middle School Students go to School?
An unplanned influence on our approach to teaching and learning for the 2020-21 school year is centered on William Henry Middle School (WHMS). The school building and many surrounding neighborhoods sustained significant damage in the recent tornado that hit our community. We are thankful there were no injuries. As a result of the damage to the structure will not be able to use the WHMS building until repairs are complete and occupancy is considered safe. The plan as we begin the school year is to move WHMS into the East Wing of Central Middle School during the hybrid approach to teaching and learning. This will allow us to have a separate area for grades 5 and 6 while Central Middle School 7th and 8th graders occupy the main building. Specific details on the move and middle school organization will be made available as soon as we have worked through the logistics.

What is the Plan for Middle and High School Students to Return to School?
Children in the secondary grades 5-12 will be invited to participate in the At-School face-to-face approach based first upon identified needs and then considering family choice. We will do our best to accommodate all of our students whose family selects the hybrid At-School option. As we prepare for the At-School part of our secondary school hybrid plan, school teams will review student achievement and identified student services data to determine the initial small classes of up to 15 students who will come into school. Decisions for At-School learning for students will be made first based on need and then in partnership with families. The option for At-Home learning will be available at the full discretion of the family throughout the hybrid approach. Student achievement data will be regularly reviewed and adjustments to individual students placement will be discussedschoolhouse image with families to offer the most optimum approach for their learning. At the secondary level Career and Technology Education (CTE) Programs and the Arts require authentic, hands-on learning in order for high school students to earn their certifications. Options for attending At-School in small classes will be made available to students enrolled in CTE and the Arts at both the middle and high school levels as soon as it is determined that classes may be held for students At-School. The Dover High School schedule of courses has been adjusted to provide a more cohesive student experience. Traditional A/B schedules will be semesterised so students will typically take four courses at a time. The full menu of Advanced Placement offerings will be provided with adjustments in time to match the year-long expectation of the College Board.

What school supplies will my child need to get started this year?

Capital School District Suggested School Supply List 2020-21 School Year

Preparation for this school year is like no other. We believe that creating a space and excitement for learning at home is really what is most important. Having a quiet place where learning will happen and students have what they need at their fingertips helps to keep a focus on school work.

We have gathered a list of suggested school supplies below. Please know that our message to you regarding this list is that providing your child with paper and pencil is the place to start. Please do not let filling a school supply list add to any stress for your family, these are suggestions.

We have seen in earlier distance learning that student headphones, while not required, were a nice thing to have when the space for learning is shared with other members of the family.

 Elementary Suggested

Plastic page protectors 8-1/2X11
Dry Erase Markers
White card stock- 8 ½ x 11
Deck of cards
Paper Money
Number & letter flash cards (K-1)
Pencils No. 2 and 
Composition Notebooks
Lined Notebook Paper
Pencil sharpeners
Pocket Folders
Child Safe Scissors
Child sized cloth Masks
Water bottles
Hand sanitizer bottles
Disinfectant wipes
Gallon zip lock bags
Middle and High Suggested School Materials 

Plastic page protectors 8-½ X 11
Dry Erase Markers
White card stock - 8 ½ x 11
Gallon zip lock bags
Graph paper
Pencils- No. 2 or Mechanical
Spiral Notebooks and Composition Notebooks
Lined Notebook Paper (College Ruled)
Colored Pencils 
Colored markers
Pencil sharpeners
Pocket Folders
Stapler- student
Child/adult sized cloth student masks
Water bottles
Hand sanitizer bottles
Disinfectant wipes

How Will the Schools Communicate with Me?

We are committed to support the Senator Community students, families, and staff with
up-to-date communication through our website, social media and school to family strategic plan logocontacts. Decisions will continue to be made with health and safety first while ensuring teaching, learning and social emotional support are delivered with the highest possible quality as our most essential mission. In the coming weeks student daily schedules will be provided and clarity regarding attendance and grades will be available. We welcome your partnership as we move forward with bringing our students learning At-Home and back into the school building… SenatorsLearn may not be delivered in the same approach as in years past but please know we are committed to making this year a special year of learning and growing for every student.

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