The foundation for our upcoming “Transition 2023” strategic planning process will be set through our core values — Education Through Equity, Unity Through Love, and Leadership Through Inclusiveness — and on our efforts to build a districtwide culture focused on achieving educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow. Senator Pride resides at the intersection of these three core values.
We are helping students, faculty, staff, parents and other stakeholders understand how our core values apply to these ambitious goals. We are highlighting Senators who live these values every day. We want to make the classroom a place where engagement and excellence are celebrated, where distractions are minimized and where each student’s learning style is accommodated.
Our strategic plan will be built on three intents or success pillars:
Linear and streamlined district, which is leadership-centric, focused on creation of an efficient and consistent organization.
Culture and community, also known as Senator Pride, reflects our commitment to building a highly visible culture that results in improved school safety, hiring and retaining premier teachers and establishing strong partnerships with the community and families in support of their schools.
Whole child, where we work toward removing nonacademic barriers to improve outcomes, using curriculum, instruction and assessment data. The focus will also be on behavior; social, mental and emotional health; and academic rigor and supports. Every initiative we develop or continue to pursue must fall into one of these buckets to ensure we aren’t distracted from our overriding goals.
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Senator Pride Article 11.17.22