Chat & Chew Meetings
April 27, 2023
6:00 PM-800 PM
May 25, 2023
8:00 AM-10:00 AM
For additional information or specific accommodations please contact: [email protected]
Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
What it is:
SEPAC is a parent advisory council that communicates the needs of the special education community to the school board.
An effective SEPAC takes the teamwork of the IEP process one step further, putting parents in the role of advisors who use their family’s experiences, unique perspectives and expertise to influence decisions and help shape programs and policies at the local level.
An effective SEPAC is more than a meeting – it is an approach and a mindset that truly values the advice of parents. When parent advisors are valued and engaged through a local SEPACs, they can work together with school district staff and community leaders to improve education, not only for those with disabilities, but for all children.
Because each state and each school district are different, many choices are left up to each community, presenting both challenges and opportunities. The challenges are for each school community to develop and run a SEPAC that is aligned with the unique needs of the school district, bringing in diverse perspectives, and setting the tone for productive discussion, collaboration, and responsive change. The opportunities to improve the school community, climate, and education for all students are boundless.
Together, we can make the difference for our children that we serve in Capital School District.