Greetings, Senator Nation!
It is my privilege and honor to share with you, our new Senator Nations’ Bi Weekly Top Five Highlights for the weeks of April 29th and May 6th. I begin by extending a heartful Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to our teachers! Capital School District educators are the catalyst for “spurring the audacity of hope” in our students on a daily basis. I am beyond thankful for your passion for teaching and dedication to teaching our students. I want to continue to remind everyone to be kind and extend consideration to each other. Let us demonstrate in our action how to embrace our diversity which makes Senator Nation such a special place.
Senators, this week marks the start of May. As we embrace the new opportunities and pleasant weather this new month offers, let us be reminded of the importance of Mental Health. Each year, millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. During the month of May, the Capital School District joins the national observance to raise awareness about mental health.
In addition, I am so delighted to bring to you Senator Nations’ Top Five Highlights:
Congratulations to Mrs. Elizabeth Fleitz who has been named the 2021-2022 Delaware School Psychologist of the Year! We are so fortunate to have her as part of our Capital School District team.
I would be remiss, if I did not acknowledge our 2022-2023 Teachers of the Year, representing all of the schools across the Capital School District. Congratulations to Mrs. Amy Bowen who will go on to represent the Capital School District at the state level.
Wednesday, May 11th is National School Nurse’s Appreciation Day! In advance, I would like to publicly recognize our School Nurses. You are essential to not only the health of our students here at the Capital School District but your efforts have assisted in making our communities healthier.
As we continue in our efforts to amplify student voice, the Superintendent Student Advisory Council (SSAC) is planning Student Town Hall Meetings. Over the past few weeks, site meetings have been held with CMS, KCSILC, and DHS to pull together the logistics for each school’s Student Town Hall Meeting. These student-led forums will create an opportunity for students to express their voices and showcase Senator Pride.
Since my last update, I had the opportunity to meet with members of the Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance to increase awareness of the Capital School District’s programs. This meeting was called to build capacity and to foster meaningful partnerships with the interfaith community of Central Delaware.
Finally, Senators, let us be reminded of the core values that we have adopted—Excellence through Equity, Unity through Love, and Leadership through Inclusiveness. If we are to operationalize these core values, the work starts with each of us edifying them through our actions!
Dr. Vilicia Cade
Chief Executive Officer and Superintendent
Capital School District