Happy Saturday Senator Nation!
This has been an exciting week for Capital, our students, staff and community. I always look forward to my visits to see the great things that are happening in our schools, and had the opportunity this week to visit several. I also always enjoy meeting with our students and staff. I started my week off with a visit at Towne Point Elementary School. It was nice to be a part of some of the morning meetings and to observe how we are integrating social emotional learning into our classrooms. In visiting East Dover Elementary School twice this week, I spent some time with our pre-k students and it is amazing to see how the foundation of learning is launched with our youngest students.
Some Board members and I toured the two new interconnected middle schools for grades 6-8. We are making great progress! I am happy that I was able to visit Central Middle School and South Dover Elementary School as well.
I also attended Booker T. Washington Elementary School and William Henry Middle School’s 21st Century - Lights on After School Program and William Henry Middle School Trunk or Treat-- Wow there were over 300 students and families. I am giving a shout out to Mr. Robinson for his continued leadership with addressing the whole child! Today, I went to North Elementary school and had an opportunity to participate in the dictionary parade-- there was learning, laughs and lots of love!
Yesterday, I toured several schools with Marcus Wright, representative from Senator Coons office.
We are trending in the news and on social media!
Over the last couple of weeks we have been seen in the news a lot about the great work we are doing here at the Capital School District to be proactive about climate and culture. This week we started off with an interview with WBOC TV, Channel 16 regarding the Trauma and School Connectedness Task Force that we launched last week. Then we were featured again for the Roundtable discussion on Mental Health and our Multi-tiered systems of support for students, parents and staff.
On Wednesday October 27, I attended breakfast where Governor Carney signed into law a bill authorizing Juneteenth on June 19th as a paid holiday in Delaware - The Grandmother of Juneteeth Mrs. Opal Lee, who is 95 years old, was present to see the signing of the bill and to meet everyone. I am excited to report that the first state is a part of history.
Thank you and stay healthy!
Dr. Vilicia Cade
Capital School District Superintendent